PT. ABS services in lightning protection system: consulting services, installation design, maintenance Please tell us what you think about our web site, company, products, or services. About PT. Aman Berkah Sejahtera (ABS) PDF file contain technical and general specification or Erico's product PT. ABS customise and product implementation references PT. ABS services in lightning protection system: consulting services, installation design, maintenance Photo gallery Lightning protection product consist of System 3000 (external protection), Critec (internal protection, Grounding System Erico's six point plan, total solutions for lightning protection system in accordance of international standard
Method and lightning protection system by System 3000 in oil and gas application Method and lightning protection system by System 3000 in telcom application Method and lightning protection system by System 3000 in industrial application Method and lightning protection system by System 3000 in mining application
Thunder days per year
Argentina 30 - 80
Brazil 40 - 200
Hongkong 9 - 100
Indonesia 180 - 260
Malaysia 180 - 260
Singapore 160 - 220
Thailand 90 - 200

Some people HAPPY to be struck by lightning
Lightning is not all bad news. On rare occasion, its victims have welcomed strikes. In 1782, a paralysed member of household of the Duke of Kent was struck by lightning. He survived, with his paralysis cured.
Edwin Robinson, a resident of Falmouth, Massachusetts, had been blind and deaf for nine years following a road accident. Then, as he sheltered beneath a tree during a storm on June 3 1980, he was struck by lightning. He lay unconscious for 20 minutes with his hearing aid shattered. When he awoke, his sight and hearing began to return. Bus this is very much the exception. The rule is that lightning is dangerous.

- Derek Elson, New Scientist 24 June 1989




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