PT. ABS services in lightning protection system: consulting services, installation design, maintenancePlease tell us what you think about our web site, company, products, or services.About PT. Aman Berkah Sejahtera (ABS)PDF file contain technical and general specification or Erico's productPT. ABS customise and product implementation referencesPT. ABS services in lightning protection system: consulting services, installation design, maintenancePhoto galleryLightning protection product consist of System 3000 (external protection), Critec (internal protection, Grounding SystemErico's six point plan, total solutions for lightning protection system in accordance of international standard
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Argentina 30 - 80
Brazil 40 - 200
Hongkong 9 - 100
Indonesia 180 - 260
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Singapore 160 - 220
Thailand 90 - 200
  • IEC LP / SP Standards
    TC81 Lightning Protection

    In the past, there were isolated lightning protection standards dealing with:
    IEC 61024 series: Protection of structures and their contents against physical damage and life hazard due to direct flashes.
    IEC 61312 series: Protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse (Technical Report, not standard)
    IEC 61663 series: Lightning protection of telecommunication lines.
  • IEC LP / SP Standards IEC TC81 Lightning Protection

    These have been forged into a new compendium known as:
    IEC 62305 Series: Lightning Protection

    IEC 62305-1: Part 1: General Principles – WG11
    IEC 62305-2: Part 2: Risk Management – WG9
    Which are both valid for any of the following standards:

    IEC 62305-3: Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard – WG8
    IEC 62305-4: Part 4: Elect. & Electronic systems within structures – WG3
    IEC 62305-5: Part 5: Services – WG10
  • IEC LP / SP Standards IEC SC37A Surge Protection

    IEC 61643 Series: Surge Protective Devices

    IEC 61643-1 : Surge Protective Devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems: Performance requirements and testing methods – WG5
    IEC 61643-12 : Surge Protective Devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems: Selection and application principles – WG3
    IEC 61643-21 : Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signaling networks – Performance requirements and testing methods – WG4
    IEC 61643-22 : Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signaling networks – Selection and application principles – WG4

    Note: Efforts are being taken to ensure that IEC 62305-4 defers to IEC61643-12.
  • Standards and their approach to Surge Ratings

    IEC 61312 pushed 10/350 waveshape
    200kA at LP Class Level I
    150kA at LP Class Level II
    100kA at LP Class Level III-IV

    IEC 61643 pushes more the 8/20 waveshape
    Allows for 10/350 for Arresters, test class I
    Does not name 10/350 by has Qs (peak value and charge transfer) table

    IEEE C62 Trilogy (C62.41.1, C62.41.2, C62.45)
    Scenario I - up to 10kA 8/20
    Scenario II - up to 100kA 8/20 or 10kA 10/350




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